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PostSubject: Alliance vs Horde Lore   Alliance vs Horde Lore Icon_minitime5/4/2009, 7:41 am

I have leveled 2 Horde toons to 80, my Warlock and Paladin. I generally don't read quest descriptions, yeah OK kill boars I really don't care why. Playing through Northrend was different, the quests fit together a lot better, and I found myself getting into the story. The high point for me was initiating the Taunka into the Horde.

So when I made a DK I decided to give the Alliance a try so far I am kind of bummed. I have been able to get into the non heroic dungeons, and that has been nice, but lorewise I hate Alliance.

Blizz has really seemed to go out of their way to make Alliance xenophobic and stupid. I haven't really enjoyed a quest line or particular storyline very much. It could be that this is because its my 3rd time thru Northrend, I don't know.

(PS I am not leaving a zone until I get the quest achievement. I have BT, HF, and DB cleared. I think i mit hit 80 before I touch Sholazar, Icecrown or Storm Peaks.That has been pretty fun.)
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PostSubject: Re: Alliance vs Horde Lore   Alliance vs Horde Lore Icon_minitime5/5/2009, 10:36 pm

I'm definitely Horde. Death to the Alliance and all... but I can't fault the Alliance for any xenophobia reflected through the game. Humanity has nearly been wiped out by the Burning Legion, the Orcish Horde, & the Scourge. This attitude also reflects that of recently returned King Varian. He's a tool, but I can see why he hates orcs (and the Horde in general) since Garona the halforcen killed his Pops right in front of him. . God, I can't wait to kill him (Varian) for the achievement and get my black war bear!
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PostSubject: Re: Alliance vs Horde Lore   Alliance vs Horde Lore Icon_minitime5/6/2009, 7:35 am

Quote :
He's a tool, but I can see why he hates orcs (and the Horde in general) since Garona the halforcen killed his Pops right in front of him.

Well Thrall was abused by a human, and he seems to be mature enough not to judge all of them based on that experience. The Horde has faced all the trouble that the Alliance has, but the Horde seems much more willing to forgive, and let people prove themselves. The Blood Elves are a good example, it is hard to believe that elves and trolls fight on the same side.
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PostSubject: Re: Alliance vs Horde Lore   Alliance vs Horde Lore Icon_minitime

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