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they took away my chests! Icon_minitime10/21/2010, 11:29 pm by michaelpohara

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they took away my chests! Icon_minitime8/24/2010, 10:04 pm by angelzhu

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they took away my chests! Icon_minitime7/30/2010, 12:10 pm by KESTLER11

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they took away my chests! Icon_minitime7/4/2010, 6:23 pm by Kernave

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they took away my chests! Icon_minitime6/27/2010, 9:36 am by Eulixe

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they took away my chests! Icon_minitime5/8/2010, 11:21 am by jeebs

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they took away my chests! Icon_minitime5/1/2010, 12:01 pm by Pinnick

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 they took away my chests!

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Join date : 2009-05-07
Location : San Bernardino, CA

they took away my chests! Empty
PostSubject: they took away my chests!   they took away my chests! Icon_minitime6/11/2009, 11:28 am

Sad well it took me like a week to realize it and i even had to check the forums about it and yes, those bastards removed ALL the chests in the BC dungeons....i cannot tell u how much money i have made using my cobalt blacksmithing keys opening all them chests. 6-8g a time in all of them, and now sadly they are gone.

still farming the old BC dungeons on my warrior is still my best way of income, its nice to have a pocket tailor and enchanter lol.
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they took away my chests! Empty
PostSubject: Re: they took away my chests!   they took away my chests! Icon_minitime6/11/2009, 1:45 pm

I noticed it this week farming Lower City rep in Shadow labyrinth... now what am I going to do with all these fekking keys! ><
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Location : San Bernardino, CA

they took away my chests! Empty
PostSubject: Re: they took away my chests!   they took away my chests! Icon_minitime6/11/2009, 1:56 pm

Cool dude for real! i just got done making 5 stacks of the cobalts too...sigh. im suprized they have not caught on with the amount of coin that drops in there too, that will be next. they dont like people like me refusing to do dailies and making their own coin
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they took away my chests! Empty
PostSubject: Re: they took away my chests!   they took away my chests! Icon_minitime

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