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PostSubject: Calling all AFK AVers!   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime9/5/2009, 6:48 pm



But ya.. Anyway.. I've been AV leveling my rogue. I get to be lazy while she leeches XP. (Aellerian's gonna kill me) I don't promote AFK AV leveling! I just like to get XP while I'm getting other stuff done. Multitasking, man.

Only downsides so far is lack of gear upgrades while leveling, not gaining weapon skills, and not making any gold.
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PostSubject: Re: Calling all AFK AVers!   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime9/6/2009, 12:06 am

This seems to be the latest "free xp" mode. I hadn't really tried BG's, but I was bored and dusted off my 60 Prot Warror for some throwdown fun. It wasn't boatloads of xp, but it was something different.

Out of all the AV's I ran, I only heard that people were being reported for being /afk on one occasion. I was wondering why those folks weren't moving much... Embarassed
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PostSubject: Re: Calling all AFK AVers!   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime9/6/2009, 9:38 am

The best time to AV level your toon is in the 71-80 bracket.
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PostSubject: Meh   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime9/7/2009, 1:15 pm

But also that is the only good time to get money from Quests Razz missing around 1-3k from just AV in 71-80 Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Calling all AFK AVers!   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime9/7/2009, 1:26 pm

I can go back and do easier, "green" quests at 80. I will be able to level my weapons and get gold then. Instead of getting money + xp, I'll get tons more monies!
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PostSubject: Re: Calling all AFK AVers!   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime9/7/2009, 2:59 pm

^^^ the chic speaks truth. leveled my hunter 71-80 in AV, hit 80 last night, bought a SMOKE TON of pvp armor (which I was buying while leveling as well), went back and started my "normal" leveling pattern (BT, HF, DB, GH, SB, SP etc in that order), I am only through 4 of the zones and am approaching 10k gold. system takes a bit, but it works.
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PostSubject: Re: Calling all AFK AVers!   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime9/9/2009, 6:23 pm

The xp isn't bad in the lower brackets, from what I'me seeing. My 64 Prot Warrior earned himself about 40k xp for winning AV. Not bad for about 20 minute worth of work.
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PostSubject: Re: Calling all AFK AVers!   Calling all AFK AVers! Icon_minitime

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