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Kenny D
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PostSubject: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime5/1/2009, 1:33 pm

I am a new WoW player (well a month or so). While playing all of the Warcraft games to date I have not kept up with the lore any. What would you say the top 5 resources would be for me to catch up on the lore?
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Kenny D
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PostSubject: Re: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime5/1/2009, 2:39 pm

Top 5? Sheesh... um... like I've said in other posts, it really just comes down to what you are willing to invest into it. If you want to go buy every book and manga that's out... do that! Btu then again, you can also just go to the Worldofwarcraft.com >> "story" button. There is a good seven to eight hours of intensive reading on there.

My go-to place is still wowwiki. This, of course, means that you have something that you are looking for. This isn't so good if you don't know where to start, but within every page, there are always hyperlinks to other pages, so really the resource is quite useful. For example... go to wowwiki and type in 'Azeroth' then, as you read the article on Azeroth, there will be lots of hyperlinked words, click on them, read the next article and repeat. This is, to me, the most exhaustive resource we have as lore fans.

Personally, I don't do manga... I don't really like it, so I haven't read any of those... but the books are great. Some of my favorites are available in the rawrcast show bookstore (the link is up top). The best books, at least to me, are still all located in the World of Warcraft Archive. These were the first one's written and the world still seems so bright and new in them. That's not to say the world sucks now... but that first discovery of Azeroth is always very memorable!

Anyway, I hoped that helped Smile
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PostSubject: Re: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime5/1/2009, 7:58 pm

I actually learned most of the lore I know from playing Warcraft 3 Razz But I gotta agree with Disciple on this one. You can't go wrong reading the backstory on the WoW community site.
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PostSubject: Re: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime5/2/2009, 12:09 am

I have learned more from sitting and talking with people, guild members and Haf than I have reading books about lore thus far. I just can't get into reading fantasy stories. I am just too literal of a person to believe in make believe... aside from WoW, that is.

We have Lore Master Siba as part of our Lore crew. And, we are always open to having Siba on to discuss various lore topics and areas of interest. Just drop us a post here or an e-mail to hugesack@rawrcast.com!
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PostSubject: Re: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime5/19/2009, 9:37 am

I read all of the books, but none of the manga. The books are very easy reads and most of them are pretty good. My favorites are the War of the Ancients trilogy. By far the best imo.

War of the Ancients is not exactly canon to the Warcraft game, since it deals with time travel.But the author notes throughout the books where the story differs from Warcraft history, so you will have a great understanding of major historical events after finishing.

If you're interested in that, then read Day of the Dragon first. That book introduces the characters that play primary roles in War of the Ancients.

Rise of the Horde and Through the Dark Portal give a better understanding of why the orcs invaded Azeroth and are definite reads for anyone interested in lore.
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PostSubject: Re: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime5/19/2009, 10:21 am

Awesome advice! Thanks!
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PostSubject: Re: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime6/4/2009, 12:48 pm


Rise of the Horde and Through the Dark Portal give a better understanding of why the orcs invaded Azeroth and are definite reads for anyone interested in lore.

Do these books cover Lothar's death that was just glossed over at the beginning of Arthas?
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PostSubject: Re: New to the lore   New to the lore Icon_minitime6/4/2009, 2:34 pm

Nevermind... looks like Tides of Darkness is the story I'm looking for.
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