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PostSubject: Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller   Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller Icon_minitime5/15/2009, 3:47 pm

Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller
by Alice O'Connor May 15, 2009 10:43am CST tags: Tony Hawk: Ride, Buzz Monkey, Robomodo
Tony Hawk: Ride

After a one-year hiatus to re-invent the series "from the ground up," Activision has announced that its Tony Hawk skateboarding games will return with Tony Hawk: Ride--controlled by a brand new skateboard peripheral (pictured left).

Rumours of a motion-sensitive skateboard controller first rose in 2008, with leaked marketing documents touting the ability to "Shift your weight to turn and balance grinds, kick back on the tail of the board to ollie and lean into airs to pull off huge spins."

The latest episode of Gametrailers TV explains that the board uses tilt sensors to control general movement, with infra-red sensors for players to perform grabs in-game.

Tony Hawk series creator Neversoft announced in January that it had relinquished control to developers unknown. We now know Robomodo--risen from the ashes of Fight Night developer EA Chicago--and porting veteran Buzz Monkey are behind Ride.

You will "absolutely not" be able to play with a regular controller, Robomodo president Josh Tsui told Gametrailers, as the game has been "finely tuned" for the board.

The game's website promises an apperance at the E3 expo this year, as well as giving the very tiniest taste of controlling ollies and grinds by mousing over the board.

Tony Hawk: Ride is scheduled for release this fall on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii.
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PostSubject: Re: Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller   Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller Icon_minitime5/16/2009, 1:39 am

meh, im not gonna get this, tony hawk never...'wow!'ed me
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PostSubject: Re: Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller   Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller Icon_minitime5/16/2009, 10:02 am

I used to love Tony Hawk back when it first came out.. To date the first one has to be my fav one by far.. Since the 3rd on i haven't played one as i didn't find it as much fun as it used to be...

So it is a pass for me for sure
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PostSubject: Re: Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller   Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller Icon_minitime5/16/2009, 11:25 am

We have gotten quite a few of them over the years. Currently, Project 8 is one that the kid keeps bugging us to play. I feel that they crammed too much stuff into one game. They should focus more on the mechanics.
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PostSubject: Re: Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller   Tony Hawk: Ride Features Skateboard Controller Icon_minitime

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