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Anyone else signed up to BoE's all DK guild? Icon_minitime5/8/2010, 11:21 am by jeebs

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Anyone else signed up to BoE's all DK guild? Icon_minitime5/1/2010, 12:01 pm by Pinnick

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 Anyone else signed up to BoE's all DK guild?

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Anyone else signed up to BoE's all DK guild? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone else signed up to BoE''s all DK guild?   Anyone else signed up to BoE's all DK guild? Icon_minitime5/19/2009, 3:02 am

Curious if there are any other BoE listeners on here that rolled DK's on Jubei'Thos and joined the BoE guild. Pants on Head is the guild, Horde side. Just join chat channel BoE and one of the crew will invite you if you ask. My DK is Cheneey, level 58 and just out of the start zone. I'm planning on using Skeleton Jack's unholy leveling build (though I'm gonna get the ghoul pet talent, cuz I think it's cool.

Post your toon if you join. I think the goal is to just get as many DK's as possible and roll through Alliance zones every so often. Should be fun!
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Anyone else signed up to BoE's all DK guild?
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