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PostSubject: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime5/24/2009, 3:43 pm

Hey guys. I was wondering what if anything the dual spec implementation has had on you or your guild now that we are a month in.

Personally my guild has geared me up to be a very ambidextrous elemental / resto shaman who swaps for some of the ulduar hardmodes. We are currently only looking for people with a healthy dual spec int he case of Priests, Shamans and Druids.

what about you?
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime5/26/2009, 6:46 pm

well ima priest and have played on since forever. I have dual spec but currently they are both Disc. One PvE Disc and the other pvp Disc. They both rock too! I think you are more thinking of like a holy/shadow dual spec tho eh?
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime5/27/2009, 8:53 pm

As a hunter I think dual spec is horrible. Since hybrids can now fill two roles in a raid it has gotten slightly harder to secure a raid spot. Especially since the only thing a pure DPS class can bring to a raid is utility and most of those abilities are shared between more than one class.
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime5/29/2009, 12:30 pm

the only thing dual spec really did was allow me to keep my bm spec when i went survival. although having to respec some pets everytime you switch is VERY aggrevating
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime6/21/2009, 8:39 pm

I love dual spec, would love a tri-spec even more though lol

I still find myself going to the trainers to respec for certain situations.
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime6/23/2009, 9:53 am

What dual spec has done for me is twofold. 1: My dedicated Tank and Healer can now finish up quests and dailies quicker. It's way easier and quicker to quest as an elemental Shaman than as a Resto Shaman. 2: I've tried characters as a second spec, and found I either liked them better as primary spec, or found the new spec more enjoyable for the main spec. So, I still have a trinity in my stable, but they're each individually easier to play solo or in groups.

On the downside, gearing in Naxx takes twice as long, and potentially twice as expensive, in terms of enchants and gems. What makes a Good Resto set doesn't make a good Elemental set (Hit, Crit, Int, etc.)
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime6/24/2009, 5:23 am

Dual spec for me has really expanded how useful I believe I can be to my guild. Im learning from the best resto druid in the guild to learn how to heal effectivily and it really is very handy when at a moments notice you can fill a position that the raid needs to be able to progress
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime7/17/2009, 3:49 pm

On my servers, dual specs seems to have little impact on who is healing and tanking. Dual specs has allowed the healers and tanks to solo or perform an extra role in the raid when they aren’t in their primary.

Tanking and healing both take a certain persona and just because a shaman who has been enhancement from day one can dual spec, it doesn’t mean he wants to heal or is even any good at it.

Dual specs has helped the tanks and healers because they are the ones that needed it. It really hasn’t done much for the players who insist on always DPS’ing because they never seemed to have a desire to do anything else anyway.

Ironically, I think that hunters have benefited from dual specs in the same way healers and tanks have. Their ability to “tank & heal” with a bm spec when soloing made my hunter and several I know spec BM for everyday grinding, but get dual specs for raiding so they could play survivalist and bring the replenishment along with their DPS.
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime7/17/2009, 4:16 pm

I love dual spec. As a Protadin that was a Healadin in BC. I can't say enough how much I love to be able to switch into a more questing friendly spec with a push of a button.

In raids it has been very useful. A lot of the DK's have picked up a tanking set for their second, and we always seem to have enough tanks. We are really lucky because it seems we always have enough awesome healers on without asking someone to switch.
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime7/18/2009, 10:56 pm

well my main spec is Boomkin and my secondary is resto... I had to leave my last guild a couple weeks ago because they kept forcing me to go resto for raids even though I had app'd and raided with them for along time as boomkin. So far that has been the only downfall. So with that being said when you go to your off spec do not outperform the main spec'd people or they might make you play a spec you don't want as a main spec :p.
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PostSubject: Re: Effects of Dual-Spec   Effects of Dual-Spec Icon_minitime

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