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 "If one more person goes into that house, it'll be empty!"

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-04-12
Age : 49
Location : Clackamas, Oregon (it's by Portland, you've heard of that)

"If one more person goes into that house, it'll be empty!" Empty
PostSubject: "If one more person goes into that house, it'll be empty!"   "If one more person goes into that house, it'll be empty!" Icon_minitime4/12/2009, 10:28 pm

Hey folks.

So thought I'd just toss out an intro and say "Heya."

New to the forums (especially as the forums are new themselves), but not really new to WoW and sorta new to Rawrcast. Typically I listen to Rawr and Outlandish, I love the banter style of both casts.

On the WoW side, I've just retired a level 72 Night Elf Hunter and my wife is somewhat retiring her 78 Gnome 'lock. Unfortunately our current debt load has put luxuries like WoW on a temporary hold. However, we're looking forward to getting back into it all soon enough! Smile

Outside of WoW, I just work in the payroll universe (not as glamorous as it sounds) and also am trying to build up a website (and aren't we all these days?). My wife is a drafter and loves to bake (and with me being diabetic, it's a match made in.. somewhere.). We both have lots of fun together and just so happen to live in sunny fair rainy-as-all-hell Oregon (Clackamas.. which is outside of Portand).

There's more stuff to know about us. Mostly it'll be me posting on the forums (I'm a relentless self-absorbed attention-whore), but mebbe I can talk her into signing up one of these here days. Smile

I do believe that'll suffice for now. Glad to be here and hope y'all have fun! And, of course, I'm forever looking forward to the next podcast.

Be good!
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