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Join date : 2009-05-15
Age : 46
Location : Portland, OR

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PostSubject: Rerolling...   Rerolling... Icon_minitime6/3/2009, 12:50 pm

I have been rerolling a DK on Staghelm. I am wanting to take my time to complete each quest in a Zone. I went from 58-62 in one evening in Hellfire, love the grind. I have noticed a few things about BC that I didnt before.

The drop rate is good if the planets are properly aligned. Thanks for fixing thati WoLK.

Stam is a stat that makes it way on to everything.

Nothing has Crit, Hit or Exp.

Quest givers are so random you have to make your way through an area to take you to the next and it is further in chains. Even though you can see on the map you need to go to that place some time.

This has given me a new found respect to BC. I think I ground my Warr to 70 so fast to raid I didnt thake the time to see what make this place unique.

I find myself looking forward to the grind. Never been that way before.

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PostSubject: Re: Rerolling...   Rerolling... Icon_minitime6/3/2009, 2:59 pm

hmm...i had a horde deathknight and i lvled 58-64 on helfire and nothing else
now im 65 in zangarmarsh
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Age : 46
Location : Portland, OR

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PostSubject: Re: Rerolling...   Rerolling... Icon_minitime6/3/2009, 3:03 pm

salima wrote:
hmm...i had a horde deathknight and i lvled 58-64 on helfire and nothing else
now im 65 in zangarmarsh

Not done in HF, just the first night.

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PostSubject: Re: Rerolling...   Rerolling... Icon_minitime

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