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PostSubject: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/12/2009, 12:59 pm

:D and the LAKERS win again!!!

kobe is god...that is all.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/12/2009, 1:55 pm

<--- Not a fan of Kobe's. His talent is undeniable, but then there's the rest of him.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/12/2009, 2:41 pm

Hafrot wrote:
<--- Not a fan of Kobe's. His talent is undeniable, but then there's the rest of him.
Smile he reminds me of peyton manning in alot ways, so talented, yet so irritating to other teams fans, always puttinghis hands up EVERYTIME a reciever fails to catch something...they are both too intense for their own good

BUT! with this championship awaiting the monkey will have finally been lifted off his back and never again can they say he was carried by shaq (both are deserving for their efforts when they played together), and yes!! u will be able to mention his name along side of mr michael jordan as well..of course being a huge kobe fan since day one, this is something i already knew people.

kobe ia god...when he sweats it makes me wanna suck his.......basketball. Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/12/2009, 3:34 pm

I will say he is talented and that will be as far as I go.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/12/2009, 3:47 pm

Hafrot wrote:
I will say he is talented and that will be as far as I go.
Dude....he speaks fluent italian...i mean thats all ya need man

of course just wait for my hater kobe post later this summer when he asks for more money, which if he does win, gotta pay the man.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/12/2009, 3:51 pm

DiRTY iRiSH wrote:
Hafrot wrote:
I will say he is talented and that will be as far as I go.
Dude....he speaks fluent italian...i mean thats all ya need man

of course just wait for my hater kobe post later this summer when he asks for more money, which if he does win, gotta pay the man.

ROFL!! Not like he speaks something useful like Chinese or Spanish! ...and he will want more money regardless. This whole season is him working on his PR. But yeah... he's talented.
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/14/2009, 5:32 am

Dont forget that Kobe is also talented at the following:

1. Coaxing Ref's into calling things his way.
2. Swinging his elbows around like a 2h Blunt Weapon.
3. Selling NBA apperal

If the Spurs get some fresh legs and another big man before Timmy gets too old - we'll get our back to back.

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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/14/2009, 8:05 am

omg DiRTY, u did the same thing on the outlandish forums!!!
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/16/2009, 11:40 am

salima wrote:
omg DiRTY, u did the same thing on the outlandish forums!!!

LOL man i knew that was u! at least u got over here in time as well, since them are forums are collapsin in my opinion...

BACK on topic, GO LAKERS!!!!!!

title number 15...kobe is a god....
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime6/16/2009, 5:24 pm

yeah....for now
not a fan of kobe anymore and its hard to keep track of that on the other side of the planet!
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PostSubject: Re: ...1 more game....   ...1 more game.... Icon_minitime

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