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Join date : 2009-04-14
Age : 36
Location : Connecticut

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PostSubject: Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim   Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim Icon_minitime6/19/2009, 6:49 pm

Hello all, been playing wow since early BC, but got banned for a bit cause I let my friend play cause he was in the army and wanted to try it when he got home, but anyway, I'm back, playing alliance on Staghelm cause a girl I worked with played on that realm, but in the end got kicked from the guild cause they were all drama queens and made something out of nothing (I challenged a hunter in a DPS race when I was a lower level than him and won, so when I offered to help him raise it they kicked me cause they thought I was mocking him) Anyway, I've been known as Griim until that was taken on xbox live, then NeoGriim, but recently found Graim cause it's more often pronounced the way I want it to be pronounce and finally NeoGraim cause I already had a toon named Graim and Neo became my main.

Woot! That's my life story, been listening to the show since I added stomp on Twitter right after the first show went up, and well, been listening to it every week since. Wish I could be in the chat more often but that'd cut into my wow time and then I might be late for work if I do that cause I work third shift, which sucks, but I'd still like to be a big part of the community, I've been looking for a community to be a part of that's not totally dramatic but rather laid back.

Anyway, here I am and I'm gonna help as much as I can with all the info that I can. :D

NeoGraim was here bounce
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Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim   Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim Icon_minitime6/19/2009, 6:55 pm

"Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

I love me some Matrix!!

Welcome to the site and to Staghelm! Smile
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Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim   Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim Icon_minitime6/19/2009, 6:59 pm

Hafrot wrote:
"Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

I love me some Matrix!!

Welcome to the site and to Staghelm! Smile

lol been on staghelm and the site for a while now, staghelm for 6 months and visiting the forums off and on since... well, I think there was 25 members when I registered. lol However, I am new to the horde side of Staghelm... not much going on I must say compared to alliance.

I'm working on 2 DK's at once right now, one on Staghelm - horde to have easier spending money for any alt I might level on horde side and one on Bleeding hollow cause I wanted to be on a PvP server, I miss the old days where my mage would hunt down anyone griefing a guildie and camping him for 3 hours. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim   Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim Icon_minitime6/19/2009, 7:11 pm

We have a /rawrcast channel. Pop in next time you are on!
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Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim   Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim Icon_minitime6/20/2009, 3:15 pm

Coolio, I will.
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PostSubject: Re: Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim   Oh Snap, it's NeoGraim Icon_minitime

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