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» Jordan "Mr. NNJ" Johnson
Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM Icon_minitime10/21/2010, 11:29 pm by michaelpohara

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 Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM

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Join date : 2009-06-18

Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM Empty
PostSubject: Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM   Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM Icon_minitime7/13/2009, 2:39 pm

I hope it's alright if I post this, if not, feel free to delete and my apologies in advance.
* so many guilds recruiting out there Smile

If you have a desire to see end-game content with like-minded adults, we may be a good fit for you.

25 man raid times:
- Tuesday 7:30pm to 10:30pm PST (10:30pm to 1:30am EST)
- Thursday 7:30pm to 10:30pm PST (10:30pm to 1:30am EST)

Actively seeking:
- Druid (Feral)
- Hunter

Other classes are encouraged to apply as well.
*full on priests & warlocks (we're set on healers)

About us:
Bushido is a mature, focused and progression orientated guild with a raid schedule that allows our members to have lives, jobs and relationships outside of WoW. We're looking for a few more for our 25 man raid team.

We have incredibly low turn over and we keep our numbers low enough so that everyone is generally included week in and week out.

All 3.0 content cleared including Sarth 3D.
11/14 Ulduar heroic, working on General Vezax.

We raid 25 man content for about 6 hours a week. If needed for progression we may raid a bit later, however, we're respectful of the fact that our members have responsibilities and lives outside of WoW.

We require a very high level of focus and efficiency from our raiders. We expect our raid members to be as prepared as possible for the instance in advance and this includes: knowledge of the encounter, having appropriate consumables and gear to ensure a quick kill. Additionally we expect our raiders to have the optimal gear, enchants, talent specs and even professions to maximize their benefit to the raid team.

Profanity in ventrilo/guild or raid chat is discouraged. Open and constructive criticism is a big part of our raids and our members are expected to be able to handle this. Criticism is always done in a respectful manner.

To apply: http://bushido-guild.com/
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Posts : 664
Join date : 2009-04-08
Age : 48
Location : Arlington, TX

Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM   Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM Icon_minitime7/13/2009, 2:50 pm

No problem, man. That's what this is here for!
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Mature guild,Tue/Thur 7:30 PST 11/14 U25 LFM
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