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Join date : 2009-07-18

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PostSubject: To stomp...   To stomp... Icon_minitime7/19/2009, 12:51 am

I was listing to your podcast and how you said you do not use LB anymore since you raid heal mostly atm. Whenever I am asked to switch from boomkin to resto i still use LB when raid healing. The reasoning behind this is I have found it a great way to actully get mana back if that makes sense. Rejuv is my primary raid healing spell of course(I don't have a single piece of t8 resto yet as i am trying to fill out my boomkin set) followed by regrowth(I have it glyphed) for spike damage.

So really my question to you Stomp is do you still use LB within your rotation to keep your mana pool up?

Well tk
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PostSubject: Re: To stomp...   To stomp... Icon_minitime7/19/2009, 11:24 am

Nope. I don't have any of my T7 left, which would make Lifebloom more beneficial.

I now have a full set of T8, which make Rejuvenation and Swiftmend super-ubar.
* 2 pieces: Increases the healing done by your Swiftmend spell by 10%.
* 4 pieces: Your Rejuvenation spell also provides an instant heal for your target.

End of story - Do what works best for you. If you end the fight with a bit of mana, and no one dies due to lack of heals, you are doing your job. lol
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PostSubject: Re: To stomp...   To stomp... Icon_minitime7/19/2009, 2:24 pm

true true... yeaI am only 5 BoC away from getting my last piece I need for my boomkin tier set than I will work on the resto stuff.

The resto 4pc is op imo. Since I am guessing raid buff you ar runing around with 500+haste that knocks your gcd to .2sec and having an instant front load heal is nice with rejuv and the t8 bonus. Plus rejuv is a mana efficent spell to cast.
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PostSubject: Re: To stomp...   To stomp... Icon_minitime7/29/2009, 12:14 pm

How do you guys deal with your Clear Casting procs? i usually automatically use a lifebloom after a Clear Casting proc to help regen mana. Do you guys do the same or not even bother with it?
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PostSubject: Re: To stomp...   To stomp... Icon_minitime

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