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Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Icon_minitime10/21/2010, 11:29 pm by michaelpohara

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Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Icon_minitime8/24/2010, 10:04 pm by angelzhu

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Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Empty
PostSubject: Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday   Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Icon_minitime7/22/2009, 1:17 am

So I was looking through the schedule for Comic Con this year, and saw that the Blizzard panel is Thursday. Here's the description:
Quote :
World of Warcraft: Epic Loot— Get your game on outside of Azeroth! Join a panel of Blizzard Entertainment decision makers along with their proud licensed partners for an all-out discussion/unveiling of World of Warcraft–inspired product awesomeness. Moderated by Cory Jones, Blizzard Entertainment's director of global business development & licensing. In attendance: Chris Metzen (Blizzard Entertainment sr. VP of creative development), Nick Carpenter (Blizzard Entertainment cinematic creative director), Hank Kanalz (VP/GM of WildStorm and World of Warcraft monthly editor), Troy Lewter (Tokyopop editor on the Warcraft manga), Scott Gaeta (Upper Deck director of new product development and organized play), Margeaux Doremus Sullivan (Upper Deck brand manager on World of Warcraft minis), and Sean Gailey (J!nx creative director).
Last year they had a Q&A portion for the last 15 min or so. I wasn't going to ask anything, but if Stomp or Haf had a burning question I could try and get up there and ask it on your behalf. And of course I'll report back with anything of interest from the panel.
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Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday   Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Icon_minitime7/22/2009, 10:30 am

Humm - I would ask about why they are catering to the casual player, and how the less challenging content has people dropping their subscriptions in the past few months.
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PostSubject: Re: Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday   Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Icon_minitime7/24/2009, 11:23 am

Well, sorry guys. The panel was limited to just WoW products (apparel, figures, TCG, comic) and took a hard "we're not answering any questions about the game" stance during Q&A. So the panel didn't have much announced. Not really surprising with Blizzcon a month away. The most interesting thing mentioned was when one person asked if they could comment on the Sam Rami announcement for the movie, and Metzen said, "Yeah, the debate around the office is what character Bruce Campbell will play."
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Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Empty
PostSubject: Re: Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday   Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Icon_minitime7/25/2009, 9:33 am

Stompalina wrote:
Humm - I would ask about why they are catering to the casual player, and how the less challenging content has people dropping their subscriptions in the past few months.
We don't need a comic-con panel to answer this question - Blizz is catering to the masses, most of the people they lose will come back on the next large content patch or expansion, and the Developers who really want to challenge themselves by making challenging content are all working over on the new IP. Crying or Very sad

Maybe Blizzcon will turn things around. "Hey gang, guess what we've got coming out in the very next patch? DANCE STUDIO! With Legwarmers from every city faction!"

The collective orgasm from the masses would knock walls down, and drown out the voices of the people who want real content. Such is the nature of the beast, apparently.
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PostSubject: Re: Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday   Comic Con: Blizzard Panel on Thursday Icon_minitime

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