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Keeper of the Engrish

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PostSubject: reward for tenure...   reward for tenure... Icon_minitime10/18/2009, 9:04 pm

On Xbox Live, there is a new feature where your gamercard has a number on it that indicates how long you have had service with Xbox. I really love this idea and would love to see this implemented somehow on WoW. Personally I have been playing since May of 2006, and would like for all of my toons to have something on them that indicates that even though my mage alt is level 18, I am not a complete noob, (just kinda one.)

What should the reward be? I would be happy with a number before or after my guild name, but wouldn't something else be more exciting?

What do you all think?
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PostSubject: Re: reward for tenure...   reward for tenure... Icon_minitime10/20/2009, 12:36 pm

I do like this idea. Not sure if they'll ever implement it though.

As far as showing how long you've played, I love showing my Scout/Grunt/Senior Sgt/Stone Guard titles on my old toons. As far as new alts, when i'm level 5 and have BoA weapons/shoulders/chest/bow/trinkets it's pretty obvious i'm not new to the game.

I would like titles to be Account Bound rather than individual. I think Bliz is going in that direction with the integration of Battle.net, and how they are making alts more tied to your mains through BoA Rep gear, Flying tomes, etc.
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PostSubject: Re: reward for tenure...   reward for tenure... Icon_minitime10/23/2009, 9:30 am

I had created a post on my blog awhile back regarding something like this. Everquest has Veteran Rewards, little buffs or bonuses you get for every year of subscription you have with the game. I'd like to see something like this implemented in WoW, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was on the books at some point.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. In Everquest, someone who has had a subscription for one year receives the abilily "Lesson of the Devoted". This gives players a double xp buff for 30 minutes, with a cooldown of 20 hours. I'm sure Blizzard could come up with (coughstealcough) ideas for their own rewards, but something like this would be a nice little nod to their long-time subscribers while not throwing things out of balance.

Maybe they'd simply go with a special title of some kind. Whatever. I'd prefer something that benefits my character rather than my ePeen, 'cause there's folks out there who have been playing since Beta and still couldn't find their ass with both hands and a map. My two copper on the subject.
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PostSubject: Re: reward for tenure...   reward for tenure... Icon_minitime

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