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Join date : 2009-04-08
Age : 48
Location : Arlington, TX

151 to 251 in under 60 minutes! Empty
PostSubject: 151 to 251 in under 60 minutes!   151 to 251 in under 60 minutes! Icon_minitime1/5/2010, 6:53 pm

I finally got my warlock to level 80 on Saturday, and today I was lucky enough to get her in on an ICC 10-man rep run. This is where the group just clears the trash at the beginning of the instance, steps out, resets the instance, and clears it again. Mind you... my Warlock was in all Mount Hyjal, Black Temple and Sunwell badge gear from BC, so my DPS was RAWKING at 1200-1600 with the few upgrades I had gotten from 5-man heroics since hitting 80.

Much to my giddiness, after just an hour of farming rep with the group, I hit Friendly with Ashen Verdict and was able to get my rep ring! A 251 BADASS ring with MUCH NEEDED 47 hit and amazing stats.

What an amazing boost from an item level 151 ring to 251 in just an hour of farming!
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