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Join date : 2009-05-04
Age : 53
Location : The Great White North

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PostSubject: Pimp Your Page   Pimp Your Page Icon_minitime2/9/2010, 10:00 pm


On a few of the Rawrcasts, I've heard mention that Stomp has a background in Marketing. Given the evolution of the Rawrcast site itself (from back in the rawrbitchrawr days) and how its presence has grown throughout the community, I can definitely see that. My question is this: what can the regular Moe do to get the word out about their site, be it for a Guild Page or a personal/class Blog?

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Age : 48
Location : Arlington, TX

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PostSubject: Re: Pimp Your Page   Pimp Your Page Icon_minitime2/10/2010, 3:09 pm

You can contact a podcast to come on as a guest, in return for a financial sponsorship.

You can write for a site as a guest writer for a small series of posts that introduces existing readers to your stuff.

There are lots of ways to gather exposure. Just go where the people are.. they are always looking for new stuff.
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