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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime10/21/2010, 11:29 pm by michaelpohara

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime8/24/2010, 10:04 pm by angelzhu

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime7/30/2010, 12:10 pm by KESTLER11

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime7/13/2010, 5:19 pm by Lahague

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime7/4/2010, 6:23 pm by Kernave

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime6/27/2010, 9:36 am by Eulixe

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime5/31/2010, 5:50 pm by iLive

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime5/8/2010, 11:21 am by jeebs

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Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime5/1/2010, 12:01 pm by Pinnick

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 Where's the Glyphin party at?

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Join date : 2010-03-06

Where's the Glyphin party at? Empty
PostSubject: Where's the Glyphin party at?   Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime3/13/2010, 12:57 am

Ok So We have Heard about alot of changes coming. But One thing i havnt heard anything about is Glyphs. Inscriptionist's kind of took it back door style. Nothing New for them with Icc Content. Im Wondering if there could be a Super Glyph or something coming. Maybe a Super Glyph to go in the center spot of all your glyphs Uniting all the others to act as One deciding your destiny (roll) in the game.
The Ideas are Endless with lack of knowledge.

Whatcha think?

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PostSubject: Re: Where's the Glyphin party at?   Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime3/13/2010, 12:08 pm

I do think that they will add that center glyph, and that it will be a "super" glyph. It just makes sense with the way that the glyph interface is designed and the fact that we have 5 more levels coming. I thought that back with the current glyph interface was introduced.

I am more interested in mastery/glyph combinations. What will the mastery talents be? Will they influence which glyphs we pick? We are actually planning on covering mastery a bit this week on episode 62.
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Join date : 2009-08-12

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PostSubject: Re: Where's the Glyphin party at?   Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime3/13/2010, 12:52 pm

Wasn't the middle slot suppose to be an extra major glyph for inscriptioners in early wotlk beta?

I could see something in this vain coming back. I suppose they cut it because of balance issues? 4 majors might make a big difference depending on the class.
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PostSubject: Re: Where's the Glyphin party at?   Where's the Glyphin party at? Icon_minitime

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