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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime10/21/2010, 11:29 pm by michaelpohara

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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime7/13/2010, 5:19 pm by Lahague

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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime5/31/2010, 5:50 pm by iLive

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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime5/8/2010, 11:21 am by jeebs

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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime5/1/2010, 12:01 pm by Pinnick

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 Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange

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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Empty
PostSubject: Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange   Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime3/18/2010, 1:42 am

So, our year and a half old DeathAdders have taken a turn for the worse. Two weeks ago they started doing odd things. We checked all of the drivers, and they are all up to date. I tweeted about the sudden demise of our mice, and promptly (and much to my surprise) a representative from Razer contacted us about the issue. When I explained my situation, and continued about my plans to exchange them at Fry's since they are still under warranty, he offered to let us try a Naga!

Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Razer-naga-gallery1

I am going to be returning the DeathAdders still, but in the meantime I am SUPER stoked that we get to try a Naga! We are still going to continue to give the Belkin another try since we KEEP getting responses from the times we have discussed it on the show.

The best part is that we love Razer products, and we are hoping to get Greg from Razer back on the show to discuss the awesomeness of Razer and hopefully do a few giveaways! So, if there has ever been a reason to give us feedback on stuff you want to hear about, companies that you want to know more about, websites you want to hear from, ANYTHING... let me know! We want to give you guys the contact and the giveaways that YOU WANT!

Razer on Facebook - They do giveaways all the time! Check it out!
Razer on Facebook - They actually read this, and appreciate consumer feedback!

Last edited by Stumpalina on 3/21/2010, 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange   Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime3/18/2010, 2:50 pm

Lucky punks
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange   Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime4/1/2010, 2:14 pm

Haf needs to get off his butt and use the Nostromo.... He's scared like a little wussy man.
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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange   Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime4/2/2010, 6:33 pm

So far, the side scroll button are pretty much pointless. I think my hand is smaller than what it might be designed for. I am LOVING DPSing with the Naga, but healing needs more work. Looking to put together some mouse-over macros and try heal bot with something other than their built in mouse/click combinations. Wonder if the click combinations will work too when I put the macros in the number keys.

Going well overall! Loving the backlighting. It matches my Lycosa who's numbers and WASD/Shift buttongs have mostly worn off. But, the Lycos is still in great shape after 2 years of hardcore playtime!

Checking in again next week!
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Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Empty
PostSubject: Naga = Awesome!   Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime4/8/2010, 12:01 pm

I've been sitting on the fence with the game pad and Naga for a while but after listening to your show, I went out and got a Naga and Nostromo.

The Naga is a bit to get used to but it is brilliant. If anyone else is pensive about it, just do it. It may take a while to get used to but once you do...! If you're going to use it offensively, I recommend spending some significant time on a target dummy to try to build the new movements into muscle memory. The first character I tried it on was my priest and I spent some time running around Ironforge popping shields and healing everyone on the fly with mouseover macros. Oddly, I'm having the opposite experience as you, Stump... I find it a natural fit for healing but DPSing still feels odd. Nonetheless, I haven't been this giddy about a product in a long time. It's really, really cool. Words can't express how awesome it is.

As for the Nostromo, It is really comfortable and fast. It feels like an extension of your hand and requires very slight finger movement. While I loved the product, I reluctantly took it back and exchanged it for a G13 because I wanted more keys. State changes with multiple keybinds just mess up my muscle memory, so I wanted more physical keys. I'll take slightly less comfortable, slightly slower, and a little more movement in exchange for more utility but I chock that up to personal preference. Compared to the Nostromo, the G13 feels pretty much like a small keyboard. If I was playing a first-person shooter... Nostromo without a doubt! It is a terrific product and I highly recommend it.

On a side note, with the default configuration having the movement on the thumb of the game-pads... I didn't find it as awkward as others have reported.
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PostSubject: Re: Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange   Introduction of the Naga vs. Nostromo Challange Icon_minitime

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