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 PvP helps you raid

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Join date : 2010-04-08

PvP helps you raid Empty
PostSubject: PvP helps you raid   PvP helps you raid Icon_minitime4/8/2010, 1:36 pm

I realize that many of the players in World of Warcraft don't pvp, but I think many more of you should. I see many of the people I raid with lack many of the esential skills needed to down the more difficult bosses in raids. I find pvp to help me in pve because I am more capable of adapting to my surroundings when things go wrong. I find people who i raid with become less and less aware of their surroundings in fights and are incapable of changing to what the specific situation needs. I have friends who also pvp with me and they as well can change their tactics on the fly, for example, on many occasions my friend who was a death knight, was able to switch over to tanking mid fight after our tank died randomly. This has saved us from wiping many times and I now see less and less people playing in the moment rather than just going through the motions of a fight. I find pvp helps people learn to adapt to many different situations, and ends up helping players become better pve players.

I may be ranting a bit but I think people just give pvp a bad name when it is a great tool to become a more reliable raider.
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