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PostSubject: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 12:25 pm

have you noticed that Ulduar takes a different aspect to the general WOTLK

i mean its all about titans and the old gods but the expantion is called wrath of the LITCH KING

i like titans and gods better than arthas, i had enough of him in warcraft 3
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 12:30 pm

Well the end dude in Ulduar is under the control of the Lich King.. so it is all connected - from what I understand. But, I understand very little. lol

Did you catch the Episode we did with Siba where we talked about the lore behind Ulduar?
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 12:31 pm

dont think so, i only joined at episode 9 or 10
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 12:33 pm

yogg-saron (i believe is the last boss) was also the stone statue in the masters glave in darkshore

i realy dont get how hes under controll by arthas...but they gotta do something
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 12:45 pm

That's it. I am horrible with names if you haven't heard. lol
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 8:31 am

Salima, Blizz has told us that patch 3.3 will contain the Icecrown Citadel raid instance and we will get to face off with the Litch King. No news yet on what 3.2 will contain.

Stomp, not sure where you got the idea that Yogg-Saron is being controlled by Arthas. There are a few quests that show the scourge are in conflict with Yogg-Saron's minions.

***Pure Speculation*** I have a sneaking suspicion that Arthas lured the Horde and Alliance to Northred in order to take care of Yogg-Saron for him.
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 1:02 pm

Not gonna lie, that's actually a good idea Siba. At this point, if that doesn't happen I think I'd be a little surprised. Lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 4:36 pm

Quote :
Stomp, not sure where you got the idea that Yogg-Saron is being controlled by Arthas.

I am not sure how I pieced that together... See, I think I know stuff that I really have no idea about. That's why you are here, Siba! Thanks for keeping me in line and teaching us stuff about Lore!
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/28/2009, 1:57 pm

There's bits and pieces of information that connect the Lich King and Yogg-Saron, but I've yet to see anything definitive on the former taking control of the latter. There is however some dialogue from the Vrykul quests that suggest that their warriors were waiting for a "God of Death" (presumably Yogg-Saron) to lead them into battle, and it looks like Arthas has taken advantage of that belief to get the Vrykul on board.

Random info: some intercepted Scourge communications refer to Yogg-Saron with derision or cursing (I honestly forget which quest this comes from, will get back to you guys when I start leveling my mage through Northrend), so they definitely do know of each other and are at odds. Siba's idea is a damn good one.
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime4/29/2009, 6:23 pm

Considering Vanilla WoW had Naxx and C'thun. I believe it is BC that is the exception.
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PostSubject: Re: Taking a different path   Taking a different path Icon_minitime

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