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 Greetings from The Island

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Champion of the Chat Room

Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-04-18
Age : 57
Location : Isle of Wight UK

Greetings from The Island Empty
PostSubject: Greetings from The Island   Greetings from The Island Icon_minitime4/18/2009, 8:27 pm

Hi folks,

Been listening for awhile but have recently had the urge to get involved more fully in this excellent community.

I am from a tiny island of the main island of Britain and so you can imagine how that effects my psyche!

I have been playing WoW for several years on an hour or two a night basis and enjoying myself immensely.

Things, however, changed greatly since I retired. I now have 16 hours of free time and fill it in the world of Azeroth hurding many many toons up the levels.

Not content with one toon at a time I have become a hardened multiboxer and abuser of RAF.

And that is me....

Look forward to conversing with you all at somepoint in the future.
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