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Join date : 2009-04-13

Making out with frogs, just became easier Empty
PostSubject: Making out with frogs, just became easier   Making out with frogs, just became easier Icon_minitime4/20/2009, 8:20 pm

One of the new dailes for the "Argent Tourny"A Blade Fit For A Champion has you heading out to "Grizzly Hills" to seek out a maiden cursed with a frog's form. In order to free her you must kiss frogs, BUT, you must use "Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm", before you kiss them, in order for it to work. I found this quite a pain cuse you had to use it everytime you kissed a frog... So to make this process easier and MUCH quicker i made this macro:

/use Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm

Now all you have to do it target a frog, and hit this macro. b4 you know it, the quest is done and your on your way back to the Argent Tourney.

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Making out with frogs, just became easier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making out with frogs, just became easier   Making out with frogs, just became easier Icon_minitime4/20/2009, 8:23 pm

Lovely tip and macro! We will make sure to share that in this week's show!
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Location : Istanbul, Turkey

Making out with frogs, just became easier Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making out with frogs, just became easier   Making out with frogs, just became easier Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 2:14 am

i made 2 separate macros for each of them, but they are right next to each other so its really a double click for me Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Making out with frogs, just became easier   Making out with frogs, just became easier Icon_minitime

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