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PostSubject: Daily Route   Daily Route Icon_minitime4/22/2009, 1:19 am

In episode 15 of your podcast you discusses dailies and specificly Haf, you said you had a particular daily quest rotue you completed for gold.

How much money does this make and approx how long does it take you?

Shifters pig
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PostSubject: Re: Daily Route   Daily Route Icon_minitime4/27/2009, 2:18 pm

Hey shifty!
I didn't want you to think I had forgotten about your question about the path I use... we just weren't able to get it in the show, so I thought I'd post it here...

Basically, I would do a circuit where I start in Dunn Niffilum doing the Sons quests along with the daily(s) in Brunnhildar. Then I would fly over to Shadow Vault and pick up the 3 quests there and knock those out. From there, I would go to Death's Rise and knock out the three dailies there. From there I would move to Sholazar and knock out the3 faction dailies (Oracle or Frenzyheart) there.

All tolled it would be like 16 dailies in about an hour and a half for roughly 200g. That's just a quick estimate off the top of my head so it may not be entirely accurate.

Now I've started doing the Argent Tourney stuff (although I am not exactly a fan) so the route is in disarray, but I also throw in the dailies for fishing, Jewelcrafting and cooking (if I need to farm) so I am forced to be a bit more flexible depending on what those are.

Anyway, hope this answers your question.

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PostSubject: Re: Daily Route   Daily Route Icon_minitime4/27/2009, 3:24 pm

Cheers, I might give that a go tomorrow.

Does seem strange to me, I remember after 2.4 released, I worked a route that gave me perhaps 140g in 40 minutes (That was a lot for the BC times, whereas the 200g in an hour isnt as amazing now). Is there a reason that blizzard have removed some of the financial gains from dailies in wrath and do you think this is likely to return in a content patch? Perhaps in 3.2 along with the 5-man"Smagisters Merrace" instance we know is coming.

What are your thoughts? Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Daily Route   Daily Route Icon_minitime4/27/2009, 7:12 pm

To be honest, I think the economy was getting out of hand so they tried to slow things down a bit by lowering the daily rewards. It was really easy to make money in TBC doing just the dailies on the Isle and I think for just about everyone, there was a fair bit of time between the release of Sunwell and Wrath, where guilds' raiding was winding down in anticipation of the release. This meant a lot of downtime both to level alts and to spend a lot of time and effort on dailies. Those two things combined meant a huge influx of money into the economy. I know with just my thrree characters, I could make 400g without breaking a sweat and I knew a metric shit ton of people that had way more alts than I did. Smile

Aside from that, the monetary rewards coupled with the experience gained from the TBC dailies after the Wrath release would have been a bit out of balance. I think people would have still spent a large amount of time leveling in the old content simply because of the monetary reward for doing so. By lowering the daily rewards, Blizz successfully withdrew the one thing that would have tied me to the old content and nudged me towards the new stuff.

In regards to the idea of raising daily rewards later on... yes, they will likely raise the reward amounts (likely in new dailies) nearer the end of the third installment of WoW. I would be surprised however, if they made those quests with the higher reward amounts soloable but who knows... I'm just a lowly player making wild guesses. Smile

Just my take.
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PostSubject: Re: Daily Route   Daily Route Icon_minitime4/28/2009, 1:16 am

Makes sense I guess, and it is nice not to go to one particular spot to do the dailies, the isle was so damn full Exclamation
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PostSubject: Re: Daily Route   Daily Route Icon_minitime

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