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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime10/21/2010, 11:29 pm by michaelpohara

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime8/24/2010, 10:04 pm by angelzhu

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime7/30/2010, 12:10 pm by KESTLER11

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime7/13/2010, 5:19 pm by Lahague

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime7/4/2010, 6:23 pm by Kernave

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime6/27/2010, 9:36 am by Eulixe

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime5/31/2010, 5:50 pm by iLive

» Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc
Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime5/8/2010, 11:21 am by jeebs

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime5/1/2010, 12:01 pm by Pinnick

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 Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Empty
PostSubject: Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc   Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime3/6/2010, 5:48 pm

Believe it or not, Its Orthocobalt again! Woot! with another brainstorm Question.

So after hearing from a bunch of respectable Podcasts, Noticing one common denominating factor. Most are striving through 2nd wing in Icc or giving Dreamwalker a Run for her Money.
Therefore, my question is: Its our problem Dps/ Gear for these hard and soft enrage timers? or is it just Strat and group awareness.
What kind of Dps / Hps does it look like Icc is demanding for 10 mans and 25 mans? Where do you draw the line when you have some doing 5k dps and some doing 7-10k (casters) in order to disect your raid and adjust the weak links?

With the new content coming soon, My feelings are. We need to get a move on so we can play hard modes before all the new content gets here, or we will have another instance going Sour like the few End bosses in Ulduar, in which thanks to all the easy Item lvl 232 Badge gear, Makes Ulduar about as usefull as Screen door on a Submarine.

Just another thought, but Why not Ask what the Guru's think.

Yours Truly of course Orthocobalt (Gm of Graveyard Shifters) Alliance of Perenolde
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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc   Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime3/7/2010, 4:19 pm

Our largest challenge is personnel. We would already be done with ICC in regular mode if we had consistent attendance - IMO.
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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc   Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime3/8/2010, 6:45 pm

Stompalina wrote:
Our largest challenge is personnel. We would already be done with ICC in regular mode if we had consistent attendance - IMO.

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Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc   Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime5/8/2010, 11:21 am

The problems can come from both a gear (dps/hps/spec) or l2p (fight mechanics, pc preformance, stratagems used for the fight) issue.

Review combat logs of your fights to see who's not doing what properly.

Review theorycrafting threads about classes, spec advantages and disadvantages, and armory/combat logs of the best guilds in WoW. If worst comes to worst you can just bench them for a night or two to make them understand that their preformance has to change.

Explain stratagies in the easiest way possible. If they have prior raid experience try and relate the encounter you're on to something that they have done before.

Ping and PC preformance can only be fixed by the end-user and if it gets to be a huge problem bench them.

Fight mechanics is an interesting subject. Wgether it be a DPS check or a Retard check there will always be those that have to learn the fights by doing them a few times compared to just watch a video and picking up on it. When I raided in BC the guild I was in would RAPE any DPS check that was thrown at us, but would fail pretty hard when it came to Retard checks. Even with the help of having top 100 guilds (Genesis, Superiority Complex, Run Out) on the server we raided on in the end it came down to us being able to execute which we had a lot of trouble with.
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PostSubject: Re: Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc   Dps or Strat? Whats the Problem Mr.Icc Icon_minitime

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