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PostSubject: I need gold...   I need gold... Icon_minitime4/30/2009, 12:43 am

Posted this in here because I didn't see a "general" section to just ask/talk about random WoW stuff..

I need gold.. I have played for 4 years now and I have NEVER liked to just farm mats. I know thats a great way to get gold but I think its boaring and I would rather use my time getting gear, rep or other things.. I have an 80 DK with all epics and I wanted to get an opinion on farming instances to get gold.. Think it would work out? What would be the best paying instance I could solo? I just hate running laps to mine and doing the daily's get old after a while.


Avid listener to the pod cast show. Sometime I would love to listen live and chat.

Hellbirth from the destromath server.
San Diego CA
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PostSubject: Re: I need gold...   I need gold... Icon_minitime4/30/2009, 3:06 am

Hey Hellbirth,
We've talked about this on the show a few times and I am a fan of mindless farming, to be honest. It helps me unwind and it's a good way to catch up on podcasts I've missed. Smile

When farming instances, I feel your time is best spent in those that drop some sort of rep item. I had a lot of luck with the drops for Cenarion Expedition (the Coilfang armaments). I'd see anywhere between 20 and 35 of them for every regular Steamvaults I ran. I wouldn't bother with heroic SV simply because it was easy to pull too many or lose a runner and get adds and they still hit pretty hard in heroic SV. I didn't want to die and have to pay costs that way. Those armaments go for between 15-20g on my server, so it's not terrible. At the time I was running it, I was farming the rep for the Guardian of Cenarius title so I didn't sell mine, but they will probably sell. I would clear the whole place in maybe 30minutes and would have all the various blues and greens from it as well as the cloth drops... all that stuff adds up.

ZG is another good place to go. If your fishing is up, you cna try to farm the polymorph turtle book from the fish boss there. That sells pretty well. All the bijous sell pretty well too for those trying to get rep with the Zandalar Tribe. I also have been farming the Tiger boss for his mount and the Bloodlord for his raptor... and of course you can vendor the drops from those bosses too.

Also, trash farming MC is pretty good. The lava and fire cores sell well for those trying to get Thorium Brotherhood rep and if you skin, you can score the core leather from the dogs there. You can even try to solo some of the MC bosses which is always good fun. Smile

Those are a few of instances off the top of my head but you'll need to make a raid for ZG and MC...

Happy hunting.
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PostSubject: Re: I need gold...   I need gold... Icon_minitime5/6/2009, 6:01 pm

Hafrot wrote:
Hey Hellbirth,
We've talked about this on the show a few times and I am a fan of mindless farming, to be honest. It helps me unwind and it's a good way to catch up on podcasts I've missed. Smile

When farming instances, I feel your time is best spent in those that drop some sort of rep item. I had a lot of luck with the drops for Cenarion Expedition (the Coilfang armaments). I'd see anywhere between 20 and 35 of them for every regular Steamvaults I ran. I wouldn't bother with heroic SV simply because it was easy to pull too many or lose a runner and get adds and they still hit pretty hard in heroic SV. I didn't want to die and have to pay costs that way. Those armaments go for between 15-20g on my server, so it's not terrible. At the time I was running it, I was farming the rep for the Guardian of Cenarius title so I didn't sell mine, but they will probably sell. I would clear the whole place in maybe 30minutes and would have all the various blues and greens from it as well as the cloth drops... all that stuff adds up.

ZG is another good place to go. If your fishing is up, you cna try to farm the polymorph turtle book from the fish boss there. That sells pretty well. All the bijous sell pretty well too for those trying to get rep with the Zandalar Tribe. I also have been farming the Tiger boss for his mount and the Bloodlord for his raptor... and of course you can vendor the drops from those bosses too.

Also, trash farming MC is pretty good. The lava and fire cores sell well for those trying to get Thorium Brotherhood rep and if you skin, you can score the core leather from the dogs there. You can even try to solo some of the MC bosses which is always good fun. Smile

Those are a few of instances off the top of my head but you'll need to make a raid for ZG and MC...

Happy hunting.

Another good one is Underbog for Hibiscus. You can get at least 100g+ a stack on those on my server at least. They're used for rep with Sporeggar. Personally when I'm desperate, I do 2 things, I'll use enchantrix barker with a good profit margin to use my own mats and enchant other people's gear, or even quicker, I farm eternal essences (fire's the top on my server) in WG. Whichever way you pick, have fun. Smile

P.S. Don't buy gold!
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