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 What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?

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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/1/2009, 12:30 pm

There's a ton of QQ on the forums over this, which is to be expected. There are a lot of people simply complaining that they have to PvP at all, which is a silly complaint IMO. The problem I have with it is that it forces players to PvP poorly. They have to intentionally ignore group objectives to accomplish the task, which of course pisses off the PvP regulars, which leads to griefing of the people there to get the achievement, which leads to an even poorer opinion of BG's for those people. Not to mention the fact that it is totally opposed to the original spirit of Children's Week to begin with.

What's the opinion of the Rawrcast crew on this achievement? There's already a ton of people complaining of horrible experiences in trying to get it done, but there have been some interesting success stories of each faction helping the other out. Personally I have no problem being asked to win a BG, or complete one of several objectives that suit my class, but don't really appreciate being force to compete against my own faction as well as the opposing faction in a BG.
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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/3/2009, 6:53 pm

Osis wrote:
The problem I have with it is that it forces players to PvP poorly.


I did the quests simply because I had to in order to get credit for the meta achievement... and I hated it. I won't say that it was especially difficult as a DK, but I will say that I don't enjoy PvP and I certainly wouldn't play like I did to get the achievements on a normal PvP stint. Over the course of the few days I was in BG's helping my friends and guildies get their achievements done, we got rolled a fair number of times simply because we were focused on the achievements and not the goals of the BG.
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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/4/2009, 12:58 am

I have yet to finish that achievement. I dislike PVPing cause I get yelled at. lol
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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/4/2009, 2:50 am

Stompalina wrote:
I have yet to finish that achievement. I dislike PVPing cause I get yelled at because I don't bother listening to what Haf says about the achievement and refuse to read it on my own, then get frustrated that it can't just be done FOR me and ninja afk out of the BG that Haf and other guildies are still in only to help my ungrateful self out with. lol

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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/4/2009, 4:56 am

I also hate PvP but don't see what the fuss is about, I got the achievement done within a couple of hours and actually quite enjoyed it, I got a little pissed after returning a flag in WSG and realising my orphan wasnt by my side Evil or Very Mad

If you're having trouble, organise a premade just for the achievements and get em done, simple as.

I do hope blizz doesnt back down on this one too
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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/4/2009, 7:17 am

I think that it is okay to have some achievements be very difficult, even ones needed for metas. Otherwise they shouldn't call them ACHIEVEments.
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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/4/2009, 11:44 am

Oh don't get me wrong, it's doable, if a little more difficult for certain classes. And I don't think it should be removed either. The previously removed achievements were done because they were either too affected by RNG or too unforgiving if you missed it (waiting an extra year just to drink a beer is pretty shitty). My issue is that it was poorly implemented. If the objective was to win one of each bg, or to accomplish one of several objectives (ie capture a flag, defend a flag, or return a flag) then I would say it was a good idea. It promotes non PvPers to actually learn how to be an effective participant in bg's. This just has people zerging their objective, to the detriment of the match, to simply get the achievement and afk out. It's just not a very well thought out objective.

It will be interesting to see if Blizz stands their ground on this one. Like I mentioned, there were reasonable issues with the other achievements to justify removing or changing them, but they have been accused of giving in to QQ all the same. This isn't an impossible achievement, it just sucks, and probably has caused the most QQ of any achievement yet to be seen. If they give in, then they are totally catering to the QQers. If not, it might give them some cred back.

Last edited by Osis on 5/4/2009, 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime5/4/2009, 12:32 pm

i hate it...
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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?   What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement? Icon_minitime

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What do you think of the "School of Hard Knocks" achievement?
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