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Kids: What are some things that... Empty
PostSubject: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/12/2009, 11:46 am

...you and your kid/s do together in-game?

...your kid/s can learn from the game?

...you and your kid/s do together in-game?
We play together and talk about how his character relates to his world, use funny voices as if we are the characters talking, and make a game out of doing a quest (gathering and drops).

...your kid/s can learn from the game?
Our son learns patience from waiting for his pet to get aggro before attacking, money management from saving gold and waiting for important purchases, how an auction works, and lots of other stuff I can't think of right now.. lol
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/13/2009, 11:06 am

this is from the kid point of view: NOTHING
I attempted to bring my mom into guildwars when i was playing it...total fail, all I did was make a character in her name and she watches me play

anyway, maybe my family isnt just yet ready for WoW Laughing

what can I learn from the game???
my vocabulary acctualy increased because of wow, reading quests and zone names and items etc.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/13/2009, 3:21 pm

...your kid/s can learn from the game?

Social skills, Maths, Spelling, Typing, Time management, Money management there are many Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/13/2009, 4:48 pm

Our kid learned what a sandy vagina is ... true story.

I keed. I keed.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/13/2009, 4:51 pm

Haf, while you're here, care to explain your picture?
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/13/2009, 5:56 pm

Shifty wrote:
Haf, while you're here, care to explain your picture?

It's meeeee!! ><

Stomp said I had to have an avatar and since I had just gotten my T7.5 shoulders and Betrayer of Humanity, I figured those were pretty defining things about my toon, so I threw together and MS paint of myself for an avatar.

I can't help it, I'm silly AND a crappy artist. It's a bad combination and a worse likeness. Smile

I embrace the good and the bad in myself!
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 12:54 pm

When my daughter and I play together, we usually quest together. She is still trying to not melee as a hunter. For her birthday last year I bought her the bow of searing arrows. A few days after she got it i walked in on her in the battlegrounds melee fighting. I did a gear check on her armory page, went to the ah, bought her some better options, and enchanted them ( she was wearing of the owl and of the whale gear). Since then, except for the melee problem, she knows better what stats she needs, and she performs better as a hunter. Now we are working on the how to make money part of the game.
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Location : Istanbul, Turkey

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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 12:58 pm

thats real nice, gamer family :D

i used to play with my dad
but he stayed on EQ and stopped at lvl 26
i was a hunter and went on to lvl 65
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 1:07 pm

A family that games together, stays together. That's my motto.

I'm currently playing with my youngest, though I've played with all of the other three, and will be playing with my soon to be son-in-law soon.

My youngest and I have a blast playing together, however he really doesn't like to play the game by himself... which is fine with me... although I'd love it if he'd level his DK to my druid's level! That way I could level that druid faster.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 1:19 pm

...you and your kid/s do together in-game?

...your kid/s can learn from the game?
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/14/2009, 1:29 pm

We quest. On our old PvP realm, we looked for trouble.

As for learning from the game, I think that what my youngest has learned has been from us spending time together... not from the game.

Certainly the game helps kids learned to be organized, disciplined (perhaps) and work toward goals. However without the guidance of an adult, I believe that these positive game experiences are far overshadowed by the negative aspects of an MMO.

And by kids, I mean young kids, not teenagers.

When my eldest was still a teen playing the game, he learned to be very organized as well as how to deal with people, as the guild leader of the second largest progression guild on his realm.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 12:34 pm

Me my wife and my 7 yr old play. But most of the time it is me running my boy thru everything with him saying dad kill that, kill that and him picking up the loot. He is a totally decked out lvl 17 Tauren hunter. We always pull the laptops together and just spend some q.time together. For me that is what is important. Although he asked me the other day DAD why are you not leveling my guy??.
Kids: What are some things that... 01010
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 4:33 pm

Awesome pic! Thanks for sharing! You should totally do a reponse video with your son to the one I posted on our blog last week... Discussing the game, etc...

...you and your kid/s do together in-game?

...your kid/s can learn from the game?
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Location : Istanbul, Turkey

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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 4:52 pm

dangerousdonny wrote:
Me my wife and my 7 yr old play. But most of the time it is me running my boy thru everything with him saying dad kill that, kill that and him picking up the loot. He is a totally decked out lvl 17 Tauren hunter. We always pull the laptops together and just spend some q.time together. For me that is what is important. Although he asked me the other day DAD why are you not leveling my guy??.
Kids: What are some things that... 01010

Is that a WoW t-shirt on u???

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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 5:09 pm

Of course he has on a WoW Shirt.. .probably from Jinx, where I got mine. And you can get one too! Visit our main page and click on JINX banner on the top. Purchase and SUPPORT THE RAWR....

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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 5:20 pm

i would if i had money that can be sent through the internet
not being 18+ sucks
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/21/2009, 9:36 pm

Yup shameless Blizzard plug. I need to work on being the first Blizzard sponsored MMA fighter. LOL. I didn't even notice I had that tshirt on when I posted the pic.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/22/2009, 5:45 pm

My kid is 11 months old. So she just hits the spacebar while I raid. It's a big help.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/23/2009, 9:24 am

Karazak wrote:
My kid is 11 months old. So she just hits the spacebar while I raid. It's a big help.

Ooooh. Can I borrow her for Hodir?
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/23/2009, 11:04 am

I would mail her to you Haf, but my wife would kill me.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/23/2009, 3:38 pm

Karazak wrote:
I would mail her to you Haf, but my wife would kill me.

You should offer overnight delivery. She would probably go for that.
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/23/2009, 3:55 pm


What are some things that...

...you and your kid/s do together in-game?

...your kid/s can learn from the game?

Come on all you peeps that are new to the forums!
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/24/2009, 12:13 am

I haven't replied yet, but my answer is the same as Karazak; spam the jump button. That and ask me to turn into a bear, then a cat, then a bear again, then ride a wolf, then....
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PostSubject: Re: Kids: What are some things that...   Kids: What are some things that... Icon_minitime4/30/2009, 2:29 pm

my kids help me upgrade my computers hardware...by placing dimes in the DVD-ROM...I just spent about an hour taking my computer apart to remove the DVD drive, disassemble it, remove the dime, put the drive belt back on it's spindle and reassemble everything
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