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PostSubject: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime5/16/2009, 6:11 am

Looking into getting a gameboard (As I believe they are called) which would give me better access to keybindings that my regular keyboard. Has anyone got one of these/ experience of using them?

The two im looking at are the Logitech G13 and the Belkin

Any help is much appreciated cheers

Shifters pig
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PostSubject: Re: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime5/16/2009, 10:01 am

I know a few friends that have the Kelkin and they all love them alot.. I don't know anyone that uses the Logitech one so I don't know what that is like..

Myself I am a keyboard and mouse kind of guy.. For keyboard i use the G15 and for a mouse i just use a normal 5 button logitech mouse that i got in a combo kit that i love (fits my hand perfectly and daosen't cause pain after long periods at the computer)
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PostSubject: Re: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime5/16/2009, 11:22 am

We have a Belkin Nostromo that we purchased a few years ago. It hasn't gotten much use because I just can't get my head around steering with my thumb.

I put a few gaming pads in the Rawrcast Amazon Store since we have an affiliate program with them. Take a look!
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PostSubject: Re: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime5/16/2009, 12:06 pm

I use a Merc Stealth myself and love it. It basically puts a separate game pad on the left side of the keyboard, with common buttons all nicely laid out around the "wasd". I don't even fully use the configuration software that came with it, I just use the in-game key bindings, but it does come with preset and customizable configs for pretty much any game you can think of. Honestly I can't imagine playing any other way now.

It also has a slick glow, which can be cycled through blue, red, and purple if you're into that sort of thing. It's actually very nice if I'm playing with the lights out.
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PostSubject: Re: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime5/18/2009, 4:55 pm

I use a cheapo that cost like $15. I tried it on a whim more than anything serious, but I don't think I could ever go back. It is so much better than the reg keyboard it isn't even funny.

(its a Cyborg something or other)
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PostSubject: Re: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime5/18/2009, 5:11 pm

I added the Merc pad to our Amazon store, too. Check it out here, or let me know if there is another product you would like to try and give us a review on.

We are going to try to get Razer on soon, so I would like to talk about peripherals and gadgets!
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PostSubject: Re: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime5/19/2009, 2:46 am

Stompalina wrote:
We are going to try to get Razer on soon, so I would like to talk about peripherals and gadgets!

That would be cool. I use a Razer Lachesis mouse. 11 unique mouse buttons + shift/ctrl/alt keys = pretty much every ability mapped to a mouse click. Win (if I can remember what is mapped to which button).
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PostSubject: Re: Which should I buy?   Which should I buy? Icon_minitime

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