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 Rhonin, Deathwing, and the Cataclysm

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Rhonin, Deathwing, and the Cataclysm Empty
PostSubject: Rhonin, Deathwing, and the Cataclysm   Rhonin, Deathwing, and the Cataclysm Icon_minitime3/26/2010, 1:23 am

I'm not quite sure how many people read the WarCraft books so this may go over a few peoples heads, but I was curious what role Rhonin and the rest of the Kirin Tor will play in the upcoming expansion. In Day of the Dragon, Rhonin is set on a quest by Krasus, Korialstrasz in human form, to free Alexstraza from the remnants of the Horde after the Second War. In the process he is manipulated by Deathwing to go in and basically make a ruckus so he could go in and steal the Dragon Queens eggs so that he may repopulate Azeroth with his own kin. Of course he is then chased off by the rest of the dragon aspects where he goes into hiding and thus leads to Cataclysm. The reimergence of Deathwing has got to get Rhonin's attention, so I was curious what everyone thought what his role along with the rest of Dalaran's might be.
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