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Join date : 2009-04-13
Age : 36

Ignis the Furnace Man Bug Empty
PostSubject: Ignis the Furnace Man Bug   Ignis the Furnace Man Bug Icon_minitime4/15/2009, 12:24 am

This may be hotfixed before anyone has to deal with it, but Ignis is currently bugged. Killing a Brittle Golem will NOT reduce his buff stack. However, if you destroy the golem as a regular construct (the way it spawns), it will decrease the buff. This is not how it was intended, but it does work for now. Otherwise, the encounter is unbeatable. Good luck!
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Ignis the Furnace Man Bug Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ignis the Furnace Man Bug   Ignis the Furnace Man Bug Icon_minitime4/15/2009, 12:37 am

Yea, we beat our heads on his molten codpiece for a few attempts before learning this. Then the server crashed, the instance server crashed. So, we headed over to Wintergrasp to work on the new boss. Challenging, but we are having fun!
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Age : 36

Ignis the Furnace Man Bug Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ignis the Furnace Man Bug   Ignis the Furnace Man Bug Icon_minitime4/15/2009, 10:16 am

Yeah. Most of my guild had logged for the night after our Instance borked. I took what was left then mixed it with a dash of pug--BAM!--but...it didn't go so hot. Ultimately, our attempts were foiled by that instance crashing. x.x
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PostSubject: Re: Ignis the Furnace Man Bug   Ignis the Furnace Man Bug Icon_minitime

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