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Rules for Polite Raiding Icon_minitime10/21/2010, 11:29 pm by michaelpohara

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Rules for Polite Raiding Icon_minitime8/24/2010, 10:04 pm by angelzhu

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Rules for Polite Raiding Icon_minitime5/1/2010, 12:01 pm by Pinnick

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 Rules for Polite Raiding

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2 posters

Posts : 664
Join date : 2009-04-08
Age : 48
Location : Arlington, TX

Rules for Polite Raiding Empty
PostSubject: Rules for Polite Raiding   Rules for Polite Raiding Icon_minitime4/12/2009, 9:58 pm

What are some rules of thumb that you and your guild follow to encourage courtesy among your raid and guild members?

i.e. - After the boss dies, we wait until the dead are resurrected before looting the boss. It stems from the days when dead members didn't receive gold when the corpse was looted. And, now is just considered a standard rule among our guild members.
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Posts : 188
Join date : 2009-04-13
Location : Istanbul, Turkey

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PostSubject: Re: Rules for Polite Raiding   Rules for Polite Raiding Icon_minitime4/13/2009, 11:16 am

My guild is quite silly and just spam funny/stupid things in raid chat
so my guildleader got mad when it interrupted boss fights and so boss fight chat is completely empty Razz
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